Mind: Our minds are incredibly complex. We have over 60,000 thoughts per day. Knowing what thoughts to let go of and what thoughts to hold on to is key in managing the overwhelming amount of data that we are collecting and responding to on a daily basis. Mindfulness, one strategy of many, is a technique that is used not to stop those thoughts, but more to see them as though you are a bystander and watching each thought evolve and dissipate from a distance. Allow yourself to release those negative thought patterns with grace and gentleness. Negative thinking is built into us through evolution and will always be present. However, you can train your mind to replace those thoughts with positive, healthier thoughts. It will take guidance and practice, but in time you will see a shift in your overall perspective on life, love, and health. Remember Shift Happens!!

Body: Health and nutrition have changed significantly over the last 100 years. We are no longer eating what our bodies need to stay healthy. Gaia provides us all that we need to thrive and be well, yet we continue to fill our bodies with processed and unhealthy foods. Instead of using nutrition to heal our ailments we rely on doctors and prescription medications to treat our symptoms. We need to go back to the basics and grow what we eat. In addition to not eating nutrient dense food, we are working in jobs that are keeping us sedentary and glued to screens instead of being out in nature. Desk jobs, remote work, cell phones, tablets, and various other means of technology are adding to a sedentary lifestyle causing a lack in activity and movement. Our bodies were made for activity as hunters and gatherers, and then as farmers as we started to grow our own food. We need to adopt an active lifestyle and eat natural foods in order to reach optimum health. 

Soul: Our souls need connection in order to grow. Connection to one another. Connection to the Earth. Connection to something greater than ourselves. Connection to something otherworldly. And our souls need growth just as much as our mind and bodies for us to thrive. Mediation, rituals, shadow work, prayer, grounding, being one with nature, are all ways we can attain spiritual growth. Connecting to our divine energy and allowing ourselves to feel the connection between all that is and all that will be is going to aid in enrichening our lives as well as allowing us to connect with ourselves on a deeper level. There is more to life than just our human form and connecting to our soul is the way to understand the expansiveness of the universe. Without that understanding our souls remain stagnant and we will be unable to achieve our full potential.